Monday, November 11, 2013

Making a Statement Through Poetry (Independent Reading Post)

       Poetry is an incredible form of writing. It allows us to portray our deepest emotions and thoughts through a true form of art. When I read the online article, "Dangerous 'truth': The Kabul women's poetry club", I realized just how much I take things like poetry for granted. For me, poetry has always been there. I can simply pick up a pen and start writing without any hesitation. In Afghanistan, however, woman are not allowed to do this. In their country, writing poetry is considered a sin that should be avoided at all costs. Now, women throughout Afghanistan are silently fighting back. They are forming poetry clubs in secret and writing to their hearts content. They generate words hidden deep within their hearts and fill the paper with their personal feelings about everything going on in their lives.        
       It makes me so happy to see women standing up for something that they believe in. Things like freedom of expression are essential to a true society. It takes a great deal of courage to go against the common beliefs of society. Imagine living in a country where you have to hide your writing pieces from your community as well as your own family and friends. Personally, I would be screaming in the inside. That's why it's such a pleasure to hear that these women are disregarding common belief and standing on their own two feet.       
       The situation in Afghanistan shows that women have the ability to stand up for what is right. Although they are ridiculed by those around them, they don't give up on their dreams. In the article, Karima Shabrang humbly explains, "I would prefer a dignified death to a life lived as a hostage in silence". The words of these women are small, but powerful. The women within Afghanistan support what they do with all of their hearts. When it comes to living life without the freedom to express your self through creative forms like poetry, it is better to follow your own beliefs rather than those declared by authority. I hope that soon, they will no longer have to live a life of secrecy. These poetic women deserve to be heard, whether it be through speech or writing. Since it is doubtful that the women of Afghanistan will give up in their pursuit of expression, I am sure that they will one day accomplish their goals.

Here is the Link to the article:


  1. Hi Theresa!
    Great post.
    I always feel sorry for people that do not have as many rights as we do here in America. It is an absolute shame that women in Afghanistan are not allowed to write poetry. Although I am not a huge fan of poetry myself, everyone should be able to experience it whether through writing or reading. I loved your post... I never knew it was illegal for women to write poetry in Afghanistan.
    Thanks for the great post.

  2. Yes, exactly. I feel so bad for those people who can't enjoy all of the freedoms that we do. I can't even imagine living in a place where we couldn't write what we wanted to. Writing is something people do every day, and everyone should be able to write freely. Thanks for the comment!
