Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Similes! (Rhetorical Device Post)

        The world is full of similes. A simile is a comparison between two different things by using the words "like" or "as". They are used all the time and are very common in everyday writing. For example, someone could say, "The singer's voice was pure as an angel". In this case, the two things being compared are the singer's voice and an angel, considering them both as "pure". Another example might be, "The summer day was like a fiery inferno". This time, a summer day is being compared to a fiery inferno.
        Similes are used all the time in advertising and other forms of media. They can be easily used to elicit pathos through the connections people make with them. This is extremely helpful in advertising because it makes it possible for companies and businesses to draw people in from allowing them to see a sign with a simile or something similar on it. Then, people make connections between the sign and their life, and many people decide to look further into that particular business.

        This picture is an example of a simile used specifically for advertising. It says, "Like that. BUT BETTER". "Like that" is referring to an old computer that is broken down and "BUT BETTER" is referring to a new type of computer that has just come out. When people see this, they will connect it with a personal memory, perhaps the memory of their own computer that is broken or not working in the exact way they would like it to. In this sense, there is a good chance that the person who saw the advertisement would soon buy this computer, therefore eliciting pathos.
        As you can see, similes are used for a variety of writing styles and purposes. They are extremely useful in everyday speech and writing. Without them, the writing world just wouldn't be the same. The simile is a great rhetorical device and I am glad that we are able to use them in our everyday lives. 

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